Startup Spotlight: LeakSignal Helps Plug Leaky Data in Organizations
Startup Spotlight: Knostic Tackles AI's Oversharing Problem
Australian Red Cross Lifeblood collaborates with AWS to optimize rostering
Protect Data Differently for a Different World
How Regional Regulations Shape Global Cybersecurity Culture
Russia's 'Fighting Ursa' APT Uses Car Ads to Install HeadLace Malware
Supply Chain Slowdown — Venture Funding Plummets In Sector
Imagine GRC in 2030: a Q&A with RegScale’s Travis Howerton
Recent M&A Deals, Upcoming & Largest Deals (2024 Updated)
Fortune 50 Co. Pays Record-Breaking $75M Ransomware Demand
China's APT41 Targets Taiwan Research Institute for Cyber Espionage
Twilio Users Kicked Out of Desktop App, Forced to Switch to Mobile
Is the US Federal Government Increasing Cyber-Risk Through Monoculture?
The Week’s 10 Biggest Funding Rounds: Entertainment And Supply Chain Lead In Another Busy Week Of Funding
Accelerate PostgreSQL migrations to Google Cloud: move terabytes of data with Database Migration Service
Bigtable transforms the developer experience with SQL support
Simplifying VM deployments on Google Cloud Marketplace with a Terraform-based UI
Build large-scale AI/ML and HPC clusters with Cluster Toolkit (formerly HPC Toolkit)
Disney, Nike, IBM Signatures Anchor 3M Fake Emails a Day
Implementing Identity Continuity With the NIST Cybersecurity Framework
For Automakers, Autonomy And Sustainability Are Top Startup Investment Themes
The News Movement Showed How Hard It Is to Profit From Gen Z on Social Media
Cloud SQL Enterprise Plus delivers enhanced performance, availability and disaster recovery for SQL Server
Introducing the Māori Data Lens for the Well-Architected Framework
The CCZT Program: Built for the Industry, By the Industry