For many years, Redis has been one of the most popular database technologies among developers.
Companies like Niantic, HackerRank, Airbnb, Hulu, and OpenAI have used Redis to improve performance and reliability during high-traffic events, build and consolidate unified data platforms, and support scalable microservices environments.
In 2024, Redis shifted its licensing plans to offer Redis Community Edition for free and offer the Redis source code through dual-source-available licensing. In reaction, some corporate contributors, such as Amazon AWS and Google Cloud, forked Redis and created Valkey, an open-source alternative to Redis.
Though there’s currently significant overlap between Redis and Valkey, the two organizations have different teams and customer bases. And though they were both once based on the same code, they’ve begun to diverge in feature sets, functionality, capabilities, contributors, and more. Over time, the divergence is only likely to increase.
Companies comparing the two need to consider each product offering as it stands today and examine the precedent and trajectory each product has established so far.
What is Valkey?
Valkey is an open-source fork of Redis version 7.2.4. Redis and Valkey are fundamentally similar: Both offer an in-memory data store and cache that developers can use to store data as key-value pairs in RAM, allowing for processing speeds that far exceed the speeds of databases that access data via a disk or solid-state drive.
In March 2024, Valkey launched with the support of The Linux Foundation, and in September 2024, Valkey announced Valkey 8.0, its biggest departure yet from the forked Redis code. As time goes on, the two codebases will only diverge further.
As Kyle Davis, a maintainer for Valkey, said in April 2024, “From this point forward, Redis and Valkey are two different pieces of software.”
Top Valkey features
Valkey, like Redis, provides an in-memory cache that provides high-performance queries with low data latency. As a result, Valkey provides some of the same features and suits some of the same use cases.
- Performance: Because Valkey, like Redis, is an in-memory datastore, it can perform queries much faster than traditional databases.
- Replication: Valkey provides master-replica replication, meaning organizations can replicate data from Valkey servers to replica servers.
- Clustering: Valkey clusters can scale up to 1000 nodes, enabling Valkey databases to fail over and remain operational even if some nodes fail.
- Data structure support: Valkey supports a range of different abstract data structures, including strings, lists, maps, sets, sorted sets, hyperloglogs, bitmaps, streams, and geo-spatial indices.
Valkey, however, lacks all the features that Redis provides—features that help developers use Redis as a full-featured database.
What is Valkey used for?
Valkey has a range of use cases and is especially useful for organizations with use cases that require low latency or real-time functionality.
Session caching: Valkey can cache frequently-accessed data client-side inside the application memory, which allows for even faster queries and reduced load on other databases. An application could use session caching to store recently viewed files, for example, allowing users to access them faster.
Message queuing: Valkey allows messages to be queued so that organizations can send different messages to different users in the correct order. If an organization was building a notification system, for example, Valkey would help it broadcast notifications to particular channels and users.
Real-time updates: Valkey, due to its high-performance, low latency design, can support systems that require real-time updates. If an ecommerce merchant needs a database to handle high volumes of traffic and transactions, Valkey can support real-time inventory updates so that customers always have an up-to-date sense of what products are available.
Pros and cons of Valkey
Like all tools, Valkey has pros and cons. Companies comparing Valkey and Redis will need to identify the pros and cons that matter most to their use cases and step back to see the big picture of both offerings to make smart decisions.
Pros of Valkey
Due to the current overlap between Redis and Valkey, some of the value propositions are shared. With the release of Valkey 8.0, however, there are a few differentiating features.
For example, Valkey 8.0 enhanced I/O multithreading, which improved throughput to similar levels offered in enterprise-grade Redis. Valkey now offers improved multi-core utilization and asynchronous I/O threading, which offers a level of throughput that’s over three times greater than its previous version.
Valkey also includes experimental Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA support), which Redis doesn’t natively support. RDMA allows computers to complete more efficient data transfers with low latency and high bandwidth by directly accessing each other’s memory.
RDMA support potentially means greater performance improvements—in the narrowly-specialized environments that benefit from RDMA—but Valkey only supports the feature at an experimental level for now.
Cons of Valkey
Since Valkey is based on Redis, the primary cons organizations will want to consider when comparing the two come from the precedent Redis has set in its years of operation as compared to the relatively untested nature of Valkey.
Feature parity: Valkey is based on Redis 7.2.4, but because Valkey is a separate organization, it will not necessarily keep up with Redis updates as they come out. Already, among other features Valkey doesn’t support yet, Redis provides:
- JSON: A data structure developers often use to build modern apps, including native APIs for ingesting, indexing, querying, and running full-text searches on JSON documents.
- Time Series: Ingest and query millions of samples and events to support time-series use cases, such as IoT and telemetry.
- Probabilistic deduplication: Improve user experience through more efficient data processing and decluttered data.
- Search and query via Redis Query Engine: Use Redis as a document database, vector database, secondary index, and search engine with an array of search and query features, including a rich query language and aggregations.
- Vector database search: Support retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) workflows and generative AI use cases through high-performing vector-based search.
- Redis Data Integration: Automatically sync Redis with your system of record (SOR) for real-time, up-to-date data without the complexity of manual pipelines.
- ODBC: Easily integrate with visualization frameworks and business intelligence platforms.
- Smart Cache: Seamlessly add caching to any JDBC-compliant platform, application, or microservice through this open-source library.
- Redis Insight: Analyze Redis data across all operating systems and Redis deployments with the help of AI-powered Redis Copilot.
Redis 7.4, for another example, added the ability to use Redis as a session store with hash field expiration, allowing developers to unlock searchable sessions, which they can now use for multi-value indexing and to index at arbitrary depths.
Support: Valkey currently doesn’t offer operational support, a key way to get the most out of a database tool without overburdening a company’s developers.
A recent study from Percona showed that while many organizations are evaluating Valkey, 76% of them will likely need third-party enterprise support to operate it. Redis, in contrast, provides robust support plans for developers, businesses, and enterprises.
Developers who prefer reading and referencing documentation will also find much more extensive information on the Redis docs site.
Clients: Most developers use a client to interact with Redis, such as Jedis, node-redis, redis-py, NRedisStack, and Go-Redis.
These clients are designed, developed, and maintained for Redis, so compatibility with Valkey—much less full-feature support—now and in the future isn’t assured. Clients supported by Redis officially also ensure end-to-end service with trust and continuous support from a single vendor.
Established familiarity among developers: Valkey is still very new and doesn’t yet have the familiarity among developers that Redis has developed over its many years in operation.
In StackOverflow’s 2024 developer survey, for example, Redis was one of the most popular databases. 22.8% of professional developers reported completing extensive development work with Redis in the past year, 67% of developers admire Redis, and 28% of users reported wanting to use Redis in the year after this survey was taken.
Vicki Boykis, a machine learning engineer at, characterizes much of this sentiment, writing, “I love Redis with a loyalty that I reserve for close friends and family and the first true day of spring because Redis is software made for me, the developer.”
Similar origins but different futures
Redis and Valkey are based on the same code, so at first glance, the similarities between the two products will stand out. At a high level, both are similarly good fits for most companies looking for an in-memory cache.
Redis, however, offers JSON, TimeSeries, probabilistic, search and query via Redis Query Engine, vector search, RedisGears, and RedisConnect, all of which come together to help developers turn an in-memory cache into a full database tool. If a company wants to build a key-value database or store, for example, it would need this unique feature set that only Redis offers.
As Rachel Stephens, a senior analyst with RedMonk, writes “One reason for Redis’ popularity is its flexibility. While intended as a cache, developers have also used it as a key-value store, a database, and a message queue. It has grown to fill a variety of niches.”
Redis forks(Valkey, Redict, etc.)
Community Edition
(Redis 8)
Boost app performance as a cache
Full persistence and durability
Advanced session management with hash field expiration (HFE)
Automatic ingestion and change data capture (CDC) of source databases (including Oracle, postgres, MySQL, etc.)
Build real-time apps with scalable advanced query and search operations
Built-in JSON support without serialization or external processing needed
Built-in time series support for efficiently storing and querying time-stamped data
Probabilistic data structures (Bloom, top-k, t-digest, etc.) for memory-efficient approximations
Rapid development with out-of-the-box object mapping libraries for Spring, ASP.NET Core, FastAPI, and Express
End-to-end support with language specific Redis client libraries such as Jedis, Lettuce, redis-py, redisVL, NRedisStack, node-redis, and go-redis
Redis Insight user interface including tutorials, a co-pilot, and a query builder
Fully supported on-premises, in the cloud, or in hybrid environments
Automated deployment on any cloud or multi-cloud
Extend in-memory capacity using SSD storage through Redis Flex
Transform slow data into real-time data by ingesting data from external databases in real-time using Redis Data Integration
Deliver consistent, real-time customer experiences globally with geo-distributed (active-active) datastores
Automated database and cluster management (scaling, re-sharding, rebalancing)
Built-in high availability and disaster recovery management
Enterprise-grade customer support from Redis experts
Access control lists (ACLs) and role based access control (RBAC) for data access
Role based access control (RBAC) for the control plane
Centrally managed RBAC
Connection and authentication auditing
LDAP integration for identity management and role assignment
HashiCorp Vault support
* – CSP-supported versions such as Amazon ElastiCache and Google Cloud Memorystore are not fully compatible with Valkey open source
Redis remains a popular, trusted, and flexible option for development teams looking to build and deploy faster, more powerful apps. Try it for free today.
Redis forks(Valkey, Redict, etc.) | RedisCommunity Edition(Redis 8) | Redis Software | ||
Build | Boost app performance as a cache | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
Full persistence and durability | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | |
Advanced session management with hash field expiration (HFE) | — | ✔ | ✔ | |
Automatic ingestion and change data capture (CDC) of source databases (including Oracle, postgres, MySQL, etc.) | — | — | ✔ | |
Built-in JSON support without serialization or external processing needed | — | ✔ | ✔ | |
Built-in time series support for efficiently storing and querying time-stamped data | — | ✔ | ✔ | |
Probabilistic data structures (Bloom, top-k, t-digest, etc.) for memory-efficient approximations | — | ✔ | ✔ | |
Rapid development with out-of-the-box object mapping libraries for Spring, ASP.NET Core, FastAPI, and Express | — | — | ✔ | |
End-to-end support with language specific Redis client libraries such as Jedis, Lettuce, redis-py, redisVL, NRedisStack, node-redis, and go-redis | — | ✔ | ✔ | |
Redis Insight user interface including tutorials, a co-pilot, and a query builder | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | |
Fully supported on-premises, in the cloud, or in hybrid environments | —* | — | ✔ | |
Deploy | Automated deployment on any cloud or multi-cloud | — | — | ✔ |
Extend in-memory capacity using SSD storage through Redis Flex | — | — | ✔ | |
Transform slow data into real-time data by ingesting data from external databases in real-time using Redis Data Integration | — | — | ✔ | |
Deliver consistent, real-time customer experiences globally with geo-distributed (active-active) datastores | — | — | ✔ | |
Run | Automated database and cluster management (scaling, re-sharding, rebalancing) | — | — | ✔ |
Built-in high availability and disaster recovery management | — | — | ✔ | |
Enterprise-grade customer support from Redis experts | — | — | ✔ | |
Access control lists (ACLs) and role based access control (RBAC) for data access | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | |
Role based access control (RBAC) for the control plane | — | — | ✔ | |
Secure | Centrally managed RBAC | — | — | ✔ |
Connection and authentication auditing | — | — | ✔ | |
LDAP integration for identity management and role assignment | — | — | ✔ | |
HashiCorp Vault support | — | — | ✔ |