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1 Mastercard SpendingPulse via paid membership, U.S., total retail (excl. auto) sales, Oct. 1, 2023–Jan. 1, 2024 vs. Oct. 2, 2022–Jan. 1, 2024.

2 Google-commissioned Ipsos Consumer Continuous study, U.S., ~n=1,000 online consumers 18+, Oct. 2, 2023–Oct. 8, 2023.

3 Google/Ipsos, U.S., Holiday Shopping Study, online survey, consumers 18+ who reported holiday shopping occasions, in the past two days, n=1,825 shopping occasions, Dec. 26, 2023–Jan. 3, 2024 vs. n=17,976 shopping occasions, Oct. 12, 2023–Dec 25, 2023.

4 Google/Ipsos, AR, AU, BE, BR, CA, CL, CO, DK, FI, FR, DE, IT, MX, NL, NO, PE, ES, SE, SK, U.K., U.S., Holiday Shopping Study, online survey, consumers 18+ who reported holiday shopping occasions in the past two days, ~n=162,406 purchase occasions, Oct. 2023–Jan. 2024.

5 Google Data, Global, Search, Jan. 1, 2024–Feb. 29, 2024.

6 Google/Ipsos, U.S., Holiday Shopping Study, N=8,467 online survey, Americans 18+ who conducted holiday shopping activities in the past two days, Oct. 2022–Jan. 2023.

7 Google/Ipsos, AU, BR, CA, FR, DE, IN, IT, JP, MX, NL, SG, KR, ES, TW, TH, U.K., U.S., VN, The Relevance Factor, repeat and strong brand connection (n=6,788), first time or not as strong connection (n=11,215), online shoppers 18+, March 2024.

8, 9 Google/Ipsos, AU, BR, CA, FR, DE, IN, IT, JP, MX, NL, SG, KR, ES, TW, TH, U.K., U.S., VN, The Relevance Factor, high confidence at purchase (n=6,499), low confidence at purchase (n=3,587) online shoppers 18+, March 2024.

10 AppsFlyer, The State of e-Commerce App Marketing report, 2024.

11 MTM B2B and B2C qualitative interviews, survey question: On average, how much do you spend each time when making purchases through app? Base: Retail, use brand website (and not app) (n=818), use brand website and app (n=2,187), 2021.

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