Looker Studio Pro now available for Android and iOS

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Looker Studio enables millions of users to bring their data to life with insightful dashboards and visualizations, connecting to more than 1,000 data sources and a host of community-sourced report templates. Looker Studio Pro expands on this self-service business intelligence platform with enterprise capabilities, including team content management and Google Cloud support. Today, we are bringing Looker Studio Pro to your mobile devices through a new application available for Android on Google Play and for iOS on the App Store, enabling you to view reports and get real-time data about your business from anywhere.

1 Mobile gif

Looker Studio Pro mobile app features

Dynamic report layout: Visualize your data your way

No need to build new mobile specific layouts for your existing or new reports. If you choose a mobile friendly view, reports will be rendered to fit your mobile screen. This means that you can access all of the same information and functionality in a format that is optimized for viewing on a mobile screen.

Mobile Friendly view of your reports enables:

  • Improved usability: A mobile friendly view makes it easier to navigate and interact with your reports, even on a small screen.
  • Enhanced readability: Mobile friendly reports are designed to be easy to read on small screens, with larger fonts and more white space.

In the app, you can choose to view your reports in:

  • Original view - Optimized for desktop
  • Mobile-Friendly view - Optimized for your mobile screen

You can easily switch between the two views in the app from ‘options’.

2 Dynamic report layout_ Visualize your data your way

Access all your reports hassle-free

Given the large number of reports to sift through, we sought to simplify and expedite the search for data by integrating Looker Studio Pro's categories into the app.

In the app, your reports are categorized:

  • My workspace - access all reports you created here.
  • Team workspaces - access all reports for teams you are part of.
  • Recents - a handy option to quickly find and access the reports you've looked at recently.
  • Shared with me - view and collaborate on reports shared with you.

Further, you can sort the reports by ‘Last opened by me,’ ‘Last modified by me,’ and ‘Last modified and Created’ to find the report you are looking for easily.

3 Access all your reports hasslefree

Share your reports with a simple tap

We know that collaboration and sharing insights with your team is important. Collaboration on mobile is made easy as you can now share reports with your team on the app of your choice with a single click. A link to the report will be generated that others can access easily on any device.

Moreover, you can access all the reports shared with you in ‘Team Workspaces’ and ‘Shared with me’ folders.

4 Share your reports with Others with simple tap

Seamlessly access interactive reports from your scheduled email or chat

Looker Studio Pro Mobile makes it easy to access your reports from your scheduled emails and chats. When you receive a scheduled report in your email/chat, tap the link to view and interact with your data live in the app. No more static PDFs!

5 access reports from scheduled email chat

How to get the Looker Studio Pro App

Getting your hands on the app is easy. Simply download the app from: Play Store or App Store and sign in with your corporate credentials.

Note: The mobile app is only available for Looker studio Pro customers. Learn more about Looker Studio Pro subscription here.

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