Enabling high availability of Amazon EC2 instances on AWS Outposts servers: (Part 2)

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This blog post was written by Brianna Rosentrater – Hybrid Edge Specialist SA and Jessica Win – Software Development Engineer

This post is Part 2 of the two-part series ‘Enabling high availability of Amazon EC2 instances on AWS Outposts servers’, providing you with code samples and considerations for implementing custom logic to automate Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) relaunch on AWS Outposts servers. This post focuses on stateful applications where the Amazon EC2 instance store state needs to be maintained at relaunch.


AWS Outposts servers provide compute and networking services that are ideal for low-latency, local data processing needs for on-premises locations such as retail stores, branch offices, healthcare provider locations, or environments that are space-constrained. Outposts servers use EC2 instance store storage to provide non-durable block-level storage to the instances, and many applications use the instance store to save stateful information that must be retained in a Disaster Recovery (DR) type event. In this post, you will learn how to implement custom logic to provide High Availability (HA) for your applications running on an Outposts server using two or more servers for N+1 fault tolerance. The code provided is meant to help you get started with creating your own custom relaunch logic for workloads that require HA, and can be modified further for your unique workload needs.


This solution is scoped to work for two Outposts servers set up as a resilient pair. For three or more servers running in the same data center, each server would need to be mapped to a secondary server for HA. One server can be the relaunch destination for multiple other servers, as long as Amazon EC2 capacity requirements are met. If both the source and destination Outposts servers are unavailable or experience a failure at the same time, then additional user action is required to resolve. In this case, a notification email is sent to the address specified in the notification email parameter that you supplied when executing the init.py script from Part 1 of this series. This lets you know that the attempted relaunch of your EC2 instances failed.

 Amazon EC2 auto-relaunch custom logic on Outposts server architecture.

Figure 1: Amazon EC2 auto-relaunch custom logic on Outposts server architecture.

Refer to Part 1 of this series for a detailed breakdown of Steps 1-6 that discusses how the Amazon EC2 relaunch automation works, as shown in the preceding figure. For stateful applications, this logic has been extended to capture the EC2 instance store state. In order to save the state of the instance store, AWS Systems Manager automation is being used to create an Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS)-backed Amazon Machine Image (AMI) in the Region of the EC2 instance running on the source Outposts server. Then, this AMI can be relaunched on another Outposts server in the event of a source server hardware or service link failure. The EBS volume associated with the AMI is automatically converted to the instance store root volume when relaunched on another Outposts server.


The following prerequisites are required to complete the walkthrough:

This post builds on the Amazon EC2 auto-relaunch logic implemented in Part 1 of this series. In Part 1, we covered the implementation for achieving HA for stateless applications. In Part 2, we extend the Part 1 implementation to achieve HA for stateful applications, which must retain EC2 instance store data when instances are relaunched.

Deploying Outposts Servers Linux Instance Backup Solution

For the purpose of this post, a virtual private cloud (VPC) named “Production-Application-A”, and subnets on each of the two Outposts servers being used for this post named “source-outpost-a” and “destination-outpost-b” have been created. The destination-outpost-b subnet is supplied in the launch template being used for this walkthrough. The Amazon EC2 auto-relaunch logic discussed in Part 1 of this series has already been implemented, and the focus here is on the next steps required to extend that auto-relaunch capability to stateful applications.

Following the installation instructions available in the GitHub repository README file, you first open an AWS CloudShell terminal from within the account that has access to your Outposts servers. Next, clone the GitHub repository and cd into the “backup-outposts-servers-linux-instance” directory:

From here you can build the Systems Manager Automation document with its attachments using the make documents command. Your output should look similar to the following after successful execution:

Finally, upload the Systems Manager Automation document you just created to the S3 bucket you created in your Outposts server’s parent region for this purpose. For the purpose of this post, an S3 bucket named “ssm-bucket07082024” was created. Following Step 4 in the GitHub installation instructions, the command looks like the following:

BUCKET_NAME="ssm-bucket07082024" DOC_NAME="BackupOutpostsServerLinuxInstanceToEBS" OUTPOST_REGION="us-east-1" aws s3 cp Output/Attachments/attachment.zip s3://${BUCKET_NAME} aws ssm create-document --content file://Output/BackupOutpostsServerLinuxInstanceToEBS.json --name ${DOC_NAME} --document-type "Automation" --document-format JSON --attachments Key=S3FileUrl,Values=s3://${BUCKET_NAME}/attachment.zip,Name=attachment.zip --region ${OUTPOST_REGION}

After you have successfully created the Systems Manager Automation document, the output of the command shows the content of your newly created file. After reviewing it, you can exit the terminal and confirm that a new file named “attachments.zip” is in the S3 bucket that you specified.

Now you’re ready to put this automation logic in place. Following the GitHub instructions for usage, navigate to Systems Manager in the account that has access to your Outposts servers, and execute the automation. The default document name is used for the purpose of this post “BackupOutpostsServerLinuxInstanceToEBS”, so that is the document selected. You may have other documents available to you for quick setup, and those can be disregarded for now.

Select the chosen document to execute this automation using the button in the top right-hand corner of the document details page.

After executing the automation, you are asked to configure the runbook for this automation. Leave the default Simple execution option selected:

For the Input parameters section, review the parameter definitions given in the GitHub repository README file. For the purpose of this post, the following is used:

Note that you may need to create a service role for Systems Manager to perform this automation on your behalf. For the purposes of this post, I have done so using the Required IAM Permissions to run this runbook section of the GitHub repository README file. The other settings can be left as default. Finish your set up by selecting Execute at the bottom of this page. It could take up to 30 minutes for all necessary steps to execute. Note that the automation document shows 32 steps, but the number of steps that are executed varies based on the type of Linux AMI that you started with. As long as your automation’s overall status shows as successful, you have completed implementation successfully. Here is a sample output:

You can find the AMI that was produced from this automation in your Amazon EC2 console under the Images section:

The final implementation step is creating a Systems Manager parameter for the AMI you just created. This prevents you from having to manually update the launch template for your application each time a new AMI is created and the AMI ID changes. Since this AMI is essentially a backup of your application and its current instance store state, you should expect the AMI ID to change with each new backup or new AMI that you create for your application, and determine the cadence for creating these AMIs that aligns to your application Recovery Point Objectives (RPO).

To create a Systems Manager parameter for your AMI, first navigate to your Systems Manager console. Under Application Management, select Parameter Store and Create parameter. You can select either the Standard or Advanced tier depending on your needs. The AMI ID I have is ami-038c878d31d9d0bfb and the following is an example of how the parameter details are filled in for this walkthrough:

Now you can modify your application’s launch template that you created in Part 1 of this series, and specify the Systems Manager parameter you just created. To do this, navigate to your Amazon EC2 console, and under Instances select the Launch Templates option. Create a new version of your launch template, select the Browse more AMIs option, and choose the arrow button to the right of the search bar. Select Specify custom value/Systems Manager parameter.

Now enter the name of your parameter in one of the listed formats, and select Save.

You should see your parameter listed in the launch template summary under Software Image (AMI):

Make sure that your launch template is set to the latest version. Your installation is now complete, and in the event of a source Outposts server failure, your application will be automatically relaunched on a new EC2 instance on your destination Outposts server. You will also receive a notification email sent to the address specified in the notification email parameter of the init.py script from Part 1 of this series. This means you can start triaging why your source Outposts server experienced a failure immediately without worrying about getting your application(s) back up and running. This helps make sure that your application(s) are highly available and reduces your Recovery Time Objective (RTO).

Cleaning up

The custom Amazon EC2 relaunch logic is implemented through AWS CloudFormation, so the only clean up required is to delete the CloudFormation stack from your AWS account. Doing so deletes the resources that were deployed through the CloudFormation stack. To remove the Systems Manager automation, un-enroll your EC2 instance from Host Management and delete the Amazon EBS-backed AMI in the Region.


The use of custom logic through AWS tools such as CloudFormation, CloudWatch, Systems Manager, and AWS Lambda enables you to architect for HA for stateful workloads on Outposts server. By implementing the custom logic we walked through in this post, you can automatically relaunch EC2 instances running on a source Outposts server to a secondary destination Outposts server while maintaining your application’s state data. This also reduces the downtime of your application(s) in the event of a hardware or service link failure. The code provided in this post can also be further expanded upon to meet the unique needs of your workload.

Note that while the use of Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC) can improve your application’s availability and be used to standardize deployments across multiple Outposts servers, it is crucial to do regular failure drills to test the custom logic in place to make sure that you understand your application’s expected behavior on relaunch in the event of a failure. To learn more about Outposts servers, please visit the Outposts servers user guide.

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