Efficiently monitor your On Demand Capacity Reservations (ODCR) by Grouping on CloudWatch Dimensions

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This post is written by Ballu Singh, Principal Solutions Architect at AWS, Ankush Goyal, Enterprise Support Lead in AWS Enterprise Support, Hasan Tariq, Principal Solutions Architect with AWS and Ninad Joshi, Senior Solutions Architect at AWS.

The On-Demand Capacity Reservations (ODCR) allows you to reserve compute capacity for your Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances in a specific Availability Zone (AZ) for any duration. It makes sure that you always have access to your Amazon EC2 capacity when you need it. This is ideal for users who need to make sure their instances are available during critical events, even when it is stopped and restarted. Users can create ODCR anytime, without the need for a one or three-year term commitment.

In the post Automate the Creation of On-Demand Capacity Reservations for running EC2 instances, we discussed a solution for automating ODCR operations for existing EC2 instances. The post included creating, modifying, and canceling Capacity Reservations. We also showed monitoring Capacity Reservation usage using the Amazon CloudWatch metric InstanceUtilization, which indicates the percentage of reserved capacity currently in use. This metric is essential for effectively monitoring and optimizing your ODCR consumption.

On August 1st, 2024, AWS introduced new CloudWatch dimensions for Amazon EC2 ODCR. Using these enhancements you can now group CloudWatch metrics for ODCR by dimensions, such as InstanceType, AvailabilityZone, InstanceMatchCriteria, InstancePlatform, Tenancy, CapacityReservationId, or across the Capacity Reservations within a selected AWS Region. With these new dimensions, you no longer need to create a new alarm each time a new Capacity Reservation ID (CRID) is added. Furthermore, there is no longer a need to poll ODCR metadata using the describe-capacity-reservations AWS CLI command or API, because this information is now readily available through CloudWatch metrics.

This post shows you how to create CloudWatch alarms for ODCR using these new dimensions. The setup methodology helps you get the information directly in the CloudWatch console instead of having to call the DescribeCapacityReservations API or invoking the describe-capacity-reservationsCLI command.


  • The Prerequisites section outlines the necessary prerequisites and assumptions that should be completed before implementing the technical steps described later in this post. This includes any accounts, services, permissions, or configurations that need to be set up in advance.
  • The Setup section describes the specific scenario and infrastructure environment assumed for demonstrating the CloudWatch dimensions and alarms discussed in this post.
  • In the Implementation details section, we do a deep dive into the technical implementation, such as code snippets and step-by-step configurations for creating CloudWatch alarms for metric InstanceUtilization grouped by six dimensions outlined earlier.
  • The Cleaning up section provides steps to prevent ongoing charges after experimenting with the infrastructure and alarms created here.
  • Finally, in the Conclusion section, we recap the key points explored around CloudWatch, dimensions, metrics, and alarms. This content can serve as a solid foundation for implementing more advanced monitoring, optimization, and architectural best practices going forward.


This solution needs you to complete the following prerequisites:

  1. Create Capacity Reservations in your account by following the ODCR Workshop self-paced lab. The solution needs scripts from this lab. If you are using any other Capacity Reservations for this lab, then you must use parameters according to your environment setup (for example AWS Region, AZ, platform, and instance match criteria)
  2. All the code used in this post is publicly available in the accompanying GitHub repository. Refer to the json included in the GitHub repository for the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role permissions for IAM users used in the solution.
  3. Refer to the preceding GitHub repository for the code, and save the txt file in the same directory with other Python scripts. You may want to run the requirements.txt file if you don’t have appropriate dependencies to run the rest of the Python scripts. You can run this using the following command:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt


For this post, we have provided Python scripts to create CloudWatch alarms for Capacity Reservation usage metric for ODCR, for example InstanceUtilization. These alarms can be grouped using the new dimensions: InstanceType, AvailabilityZone, InstanceMatchCriteria, InstancePlatform, Tenancy, CapacityReservationId, or across the Capacity Reservations within a selected Region. We also created an Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic named ODCRAlarmTopic to notify you when there’s a breach with your CloudWatch alarm’s threshold.

To get started, download the scripts for creating a CloudWatch alarm using each aforementioned dimension from the GitHub repository in the Prerequisites section.

We envision a scenario where multiple Capacity Reservations exist across a Region in your AWS account. The goal is to identify any unused Capacity Reservations to optimize capacity usage and reduce unnecessary charges. Unused capacity can be identified by creating a CloudWatch alarm for the InstanceUtilization metric. The alarm can be grouped by one of six dimensions: AZ, Instance Match Criteria, Instance Type, InstancePlatform, Tenancy, or across the Capacity Reservations. You must set the alarm threshold that aligns to your usage optimization targets.

With Capacity Reservations, charges apply to any unused capacity. Users accept these charges because reservations provide capacity assurance. However, with improved reservation usage, users can make sure their reserved capacity is fully used. A triggered CloudWatch alarm signifies unused capacity. It can notify users to take near real-time action to optimize capacity and eliminate charges for unused reservations.

Implementation details

The following sections show the implementation details of alarms for each dimension.

For each alarm that we create in this section, you can set a threshold based on your usage optimization goals. For this post, we are setting the threshold to 75%. When these alarms are in place and the CloudWatch alarm breaches that threshold, the system enters an alarm state and sends an SNS notification to ODCRAlarmTopic. This process helps identify and address potential issues or opportunities for optimization related to the specific monitored dimension.

Creating CloudWatch alarm using AllCapacityReservations dimension

In this scenario, an organization is currently using the Capacity Reservations at 100% usage, but it needs to be notified when the total capacity usage drops to less than or equal to the threshold value. To do so, we use the InstanceUtilization metric for ODCR and group it with the AllCapacityReservations dimension. You can run the by_all_capacity_reservations.py script provided in the GitHub repository to create this CloudWatch alarm.

Prior to running the script, you must determine the following parameters:

Necessary input parameters

  • RegionName: The Region where the CloudWatch alarm should be created (for example us-east-1).
  • EmailAddress: The email address to receive notifications (for example [email protected]).

Optional input parameters

  • Dimension (default: AllCapacityReservations): The dimension for the CloudWatch alarm.
  • MetricName (default: InstanceUtilization): The metric name for the CloudWatch alarm.
  • ComparisonOperator (default: LessThanOrEqualToThreshold): The comparison operator for the CloudWatch alarm.
  • Threshold (default: 75.0): The threshold value for the CloudWatch alarm.
  • Protocol (default: email): The protocol for the SNS subscription.
  • TopicName (default: ODCRAlarmTopic): The name of the SNS topic.

After you’ve determined your input parameters, run the following Python script with your desired parameters to set up the alarm:

python3 by_all_capacity_reservations.py --RegionName <<Insert here the region where you have the Capacity Reservations>> --EmailAddress <<Insert here the email address subscribed to ODCRAlarmTopic>>

This creates a CloudWatch alarm that monitors InstanceUtilization for the Capacity Reservations in the Region you specified. You can confirm the alarm has been created by reviewing the by_all_capacity_reservations.log created in the same folder where you ran the script from. The following is an example log file content that confirms the creation of the alarm.

2024-10-17 19:32:34,922  __main__  INFO: Creating CloudWatch Alarm for the InstanceUtilization metric with AllCapacityReservations dimension in the us-east-1 region.

2024-10-17 19:32:35,514  __main__  INFO: The SNS topic 'ODCRAlarmTopic' already exists with ARN: arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:XXXXXXXXXXXX:ODCRAlarmTopic.

2024-10-17 19:32:35,516  __main__  INFO: Please ensure you have subscribed to the SNS Topic arn:aws:sns:us-east-1: XXXXXXXXXXXX:ODCRAlarmTopic.

2024-10-17 19:32:35,986  __main__  INFO: Successfully created CloudWatch Alarm for the InstanceUtilization metric with AllCapacityReservations dimension in the us-east-1 region.

You can also validate in the CloudWatch console. Choose All alarms and search for ODCRAlarm-InstanceUtilization-AllCapacityReservations.

 Example AllCapacityReservations Alarm Setup validation using CloudWatch console

Figure 1: Example AllCapacityReservations Alarm Setup validation using CloudWatch console

Creating CloudWatch alarm using InstanceType dimension

After receiving an alert on total Capacity Reservations usage dropping below the threshold, you may want to view the usage drop by a specific instance type. To do so you can use the InstanceUtilization metric for ODCR and group it with the InstanceType dimension. You can use the by_instanceType.py script provided in the GitHub repository to create this CloudWatch alarm.

Prior to running the script, you must determine the following parameters:

Necessary input parameters

  • RegionName: The Region where the CloudWatch alarm should be created (for example us-east-1).
  • EmailAddress: The email address to receive notifications (for example [email protected]).
  • InstanceType: The instance type for the CloudWatch alarm (for example t2.micro).

Optional input parameters

  • Dimension (default: InstanceType): The dimension for the CloudWatch alarm.
  • MetricName (default: InstanceUtilization): The metric name for the CloudWatch alarm.
  • ComparisonOperator (default: LessThanOrEqualToThreshold): The comparison operator for the CloudWatch alarm.
  • Threshold (default: 75.0): The threshold value for the CloudWatch alarm.
  • Protocol (default: email): The protocol for the SNS subscription.
  • TopicName (default: ODCRAlarmTopic): The name of the SNS topic.

After you’ve determined your input parameters, run the following Python script with your desired parameters to set up the alarm:

python3 by_instanceType.py --RegionName <<Insert here the region where you have the Capacity Reservations>> --EmailAddress <<Insert here the email address subscribed to the ODCRAlarmTopic>> --InstanceType t2.micro

This should create the InstanceType dimension alarm. You can confirm this by reviewing the by_instanceType.log created in the same folder where you ran the script from. The following is an example log file content that confirms the creation of this alarm.

2024-10-17 19:46:07,288  __main__  INFO: Creating CloudWatch Alarm for the InstanceUtilization metric with InstanceType dimension in the us-east-1 region.

2024-10-17 19:46:07,804  __main__  INFO: The SNS topic 'ODCRAlarmTopic' already exists with ARN: arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:XXXXXXXXXXXX:ODCRAlarmTopic.

2024-10-17 19:46:07,804  __main__  INFO: Please ensure you have subscribed to the SNS Topic arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:XXXXXXXXXXXX:ODCRAlarmTopic.

2024-10-17 19:46:08,285  __main__  INFO: Successfully created CloudWatch Alarm for the InstanceUtilization metric with InstanceType dimension in the us-east-1 region.

You can also validate in the CloudWatch console. Choose All alarms and, for example, search for ODCRAlarm-InstanceUtilization-InstanceType-t2.micro.

 Example InstanceType Alarm Setup validation using CloudWatch console

Figure 2: Example InstanceType Alarm Setup validation using CloudWatch console

Creating CloudWatch alarm using AvailabilityZone dimension

After receiving an alert on total Capacity Reservations usage at the instance level dropping below the threshold, you may want to view the usage drop by a specific AZ. You can do so by using the InstanceUtilization metric for ODCR and group it with the AvailabilityZone dimension. You can use the by_availabilityZone.py script provided in the GitHub repository to create this CloudWatch alarm.

Prior to running the script, you must determine the following parameters:

Necessary input parameters

  • RegionName: The Region where the CloudWatch alarm should be created (for example us-east-1).
  • EmailAddress: The email address to receive notifications (for example [email protected]).
  • AvailabilityZone: The AZ for the CloudWatch alarm (for example us-east-1a).

Optional input parameters

  • Dimension (default: AvailabilityZone): The dimension for the CloudWatch alarm.
  • MetricName (default: InstanceUtilization): The metric name for the CloudWatch alarm.
  • ComparisonOperator (default: LessThanOrEqualToThreshold): The comparison operator for the CloudWatch alarm.
  • Threshold (default: 75.0): The threshold value for the CloudWatch alarm.
  • Protocol (default: email): The protocol for the SNS subscription.
  • TopicName (default: ODCRAlarmTopic): The name of the SNS topic.

After you’ve determined your input parameters, run the following Python script with your desired parameters to set up the alarm:

python3 by_availabilityZone.py --RegionName <<Insert here the region where you have the Capacity Reservations>> --EmailAddress <<Insert here the email address subscribed to the ODCRAlarmTopic>> --AvailabilityZone us-east-1b

This should create the AvailabilityZone alarm. You can confirm this by reviewing the by_availabilityZone.log created in the same folder where you ran the script from. The following is an example log file content that confirms the creation of this alarm.

2024-10-17 19:38:39,141  __main__  INFO: Creating CloudWatch Alarm for the InstanceUtilization with AvailabilityZone dimension in the us-east-1 region.

2024-10-17 19:38:39,667  __main__  INFO: The SNS topic 'ODCRAlarmTopic' already exists with ARN: arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:XXXXXXXXXXXX:ODCRAlarmTopic.

2024-10-17 19:38:39,667  __main__  INFO: Please ensure you have subscribed to the SNS Topic arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:XXXXXXXXXXXX:ODCRAlarmTopic.

2024-10-17 19:38:40,172  __main__  INFO: Successfully created CloudWatch Alarm for the InstanceUtilization metric with AvailabilityZone dimension in the us-east-1 region.

You can also validate in the CloudWatch console. Choose All alarms, and search for ODCRAlarm-InstanceUtilization-AvailabilityZone-us-east-1b.

 Example AvailabilityZone Alarm Setup validation using CloudWatch console

Figure 3: Example AvailabilityZone Alarm Setup validation using CloudWatch console

Create CloudWatch alarm using the InstancePlatform dimension

Based on workload requirements, organizations use different platforms such as Windows and Linux/UNIX for EC2 instances. They may want to be notified when the usage drops below threshold for a particular platform. To achieve this, we can use the InstanceUtilization metric for ODCR and group it with the InstancePlatform dimension. You can use the by_platform.py script provided in the GitHub repository to create the CloudWatch alarm.

Prior to running the script, you must determine the following parameters:

Necessary input parameters

  • RegionName: The Region where the CloudWatch alarm should be created (for example us-east-1).
  • EmailAddress: The email address to receive notifications (for example [email protected]).
  • InstancePlatform: The InstancePlatform for the CloudWatch alarm. For exampleE: ‘Linux/UNIX’. Supported InstancePlatform are’Linux/UNIX’,’Red Hat Enterprise Linux’,’SUSE Linux’,’Windows’,’Windows with SQL Server’,’Windows with SQL Server Enterprise’,’Windows with SQL Server Standard’,’Windows with SQL Server Web’,’Linux with SQL Server Standard’,’Linux with SQL Server Web’,’Linux with SQL Server Enterprise’,’RHEL with SQL Server Standard’,’RHEL with SQL Server Enterprise’,’RHEL with SQL Server Web’,’RHEL with HA’,’RHEL with HA and SQL Server Standard’,’RHEL with HA and SQL Server Enterprise’,’Ubuntu Pro’

Optional input parameters

  • Dimension (default: InstancePlatform): The dimension for the CloudWatch alarm.
  • MetricName (default: InstanceUtilization): The metric name for the CloudWatch alarm.
  • ComparisonOperator (default: LessThanOrEqualToThreshold): The comparison operator for the CloudWatch alarm.
  • Threshold (default: 75.0): The threshold value for the CloudWatch alarm.
  • Protocol (default: email): The protocol for the SNS subscription.
  • TopicName (default: ODCRAlarmTopic): The name of the SNS topic.

After you’ve determined your input parameters, run the following Python script with your desired parameters to set up the alarm:

python3 by_platform.py --RegionName <<Insert here the region where you have the Capacity Reservations>> --EmailAddress <<Insert here the email address subscribed to the ODCRAlarmTopic>> --InstancePlatform Linux/Unix

This should create the InstancePlatform alarm. You can confirm this by reviewing the by_platform.log created in the same folder where you ran the script from. The following log entry shows a confirmation the creation of this alarm.

2024-10-17 19:52:03,839  __main__  INFO: Creating CloudWatch Alarm for the InstanceUtilization with Platform dimension in the us-east-1 region.

2024-10-17 19:52:04,345  __main__  INFO: The SNS topic 'ODCRAlarmTopic' already exists with ARN: arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:XXXXXXXXXXXX:ODCRAlarmTopic.

2024-10-17 19:52:04,345  __main__  INFO: Please ensure you have subscribed to the SNS Topic arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:XXXXXXXXXXXX:ODCRAlarmTopic.

2024-10-17 19:52:04,854  __main__  INFO: Successfully created CloudWatch Alarm for the InstanceUtilization with Platform dimension in the us-east-1 region.

You can also validate in the CloudWatch console. Choose All alarms, and search for ODCRAlarm-InstanceUtilization-Platform-Linux/Unix.

 Example AvailabilityZone Alarm Setup validation using CloudWatch console

Figure 4: Example AvailabilityZone Alarm Setup validation using CloudWatch console

Creating CloudWatch alarm using the InstanceMatchCriteria dimension

Capacity Reservations are configured as either open or targeted. If the Capacity Reservation is open, then the new and existing instances that have matching attributes automatically run in the capacity of the Capacity Reservation. If the Capacity Reservation is targeted, then instances must specifically target it to run in the reserved capacity. Organizations using these configurations may want to be notified when instance usage drops in either open or targeted Capacity Reservations. To achieve this, we use the InstanceUtilization metric for ODCR and group it with the InstanceMatchCriteria dimension. You can use the by_instanceMatchCriteria.py script provided in the GitHub repository to create the CloudWatch alarm.

Prior to running the script, you must determine the following parameters:

Necessary input parameters

  • RegionName: The Region where the CloudWatch alarm should be created (for example us-east-1).
  • EmailAddress: The email address to receive notifications (for example [email protected]).
  • InstanceMatchCriteria: The tenancy for the CloudWatch alarm. Supported values are ‘open’ and ‘targeted’.

Optional input parameters

  • Dimension (default: InstanceMatchCriteria): The dimension for the CloudWatch alarm.
  • MetricName (default: InstanceUtilization): The metric name for the CloudWatch alarm.
  • ComparisonOperator (default: LessThanOrEqualToThreshold): The comparison operator for the CloudWatch alarm.
  • Threshold (default: 75.0): The threshold value for the CloudWatch alarm.
  • Protocol (default: email): The protocol for the SNS subscription.
  • TopicName (default: ODCRAlarmTopic): The name of the SNS topic.

After you’ve determined your input parameters, run the following Python script with your desired parameters to set up the alarm:

python3 by_instanceMatchCriteria.py --RegionName <<Insert here the region where you have the Capacity Reservations>> --EmailAddress <<Insert here the email address subscribed to the ODCRAlarmTopic>> --InstanceMatchCriteria open

This should create the InstanceMatchCriteria alarm. You can confirm this by reviewing the by_instanceMatchCriteria.log created in the same folder where you ran the script from. The following log entry confirms the creation of such alarm.

2024-10-17 19:43:25,463  __main__  INFO: Creating CloudWatch Alarm for the InstanceUtilization with InstanceMatchCriteria dimension in the us-east-1 region.

2024-10-17 19:43:25,996  __main__  INFO: The SNS topic 'ODCRAlarmTopic' already exists with ARN: arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:XXXXXXXXXXXX:ODCRAlarmTopic.

2024-10-17 19:43:25,996  __main__  INFO: Please ensure you have subscribed to the SNS Topic arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:XXXXXXXXXXXX:ODCRAlarmTopic.

2024-10-17 19:43:26,552  __main__  INFO: Successfully created CloudWatch Alarm for the InstanceUtilization metric with InstanceMatchCriteria dimension in the us-east-1 region.

You can also validate in the CloudWatch console. Choose All alarms, and search for ODCRAlarm-InstanceUtilization-InstanceMatchCriteria-open.

 Example InstanceMatchCriteria Alarm Setup validation using CloudWatch console

Figure 5: Example InstanceMatchCriteria Alarm Setup validation using CloudWatch console

Creating CloudWatch alarm using the Tenancy dimension

By default, EC2 instances run on shared tenancy hardware. However, if users want, they can also choose dedicated tenancy. Organizations using both types of tenancy for their workload may want to be notified when instance usage drops in either of these tenancies. To achieve this, we use the InstanceUtilization metric for ODCR and group it with the Tenancy dimension. You can run the by_tenancy.py script provided in the GitHub repository to create the CloudWatch alarm.

Prior to running the script, you must determine the following parameters:

Necessary input parameters

  • RegionName: The Region where the CloudWatch alarm should be created (for example us-east-1).
  • EmailAddress: The email address to receive notifications (for example [email protected]).
  • Tenancy: The tenancy for the CloudWatch alarm. Supported Tenancy are ‘default’ and ‘dedicated’.

Optional input parameters

  • Dimension (default: Tenancy): The dimension for the CloudWatch alarm.
  • MetricName (default: InstanceUtilization): The metric name for the CloudWatch alarm.
  • ComparisonOperator (default: LessThanOrEqualToThreshold): The comparison operator for the CloudWatch alarm.
  • Threshold (default: 75.0): The threshold value for the CloudWatch alarm.
  • Protocol (default: email): The protocol for the SNS subscription.
  • TopicName (default: ODCRAlarmTopic): The name of the SNS topic.

After you’ve determined your input parameters, run the following Python script with your desired parameters to set up the alarm:

python3 by_instanceMatchCriteria.py --RegionName <<Insert here the region where you have the Capacity Reservations>> --EmailAddress <<Insert here the email address subscribed to the ODCRAlarmTopic>> --Tenancy default

This should create the Tenancy dimension alarm successfully. You can confirm this by reviewing the by_tenancy.log created in the same folder where you ran the script from. The following entry confirms the creation of the alarm.

2024-10-17 19:56:14,331  __main__  INFO: Creating CloudWatch Alarm for the InstanceUtilization with Tenancy dimension in the us-east-1 region.

2024-10-17 19:56:14,809  __main__  INFO: The SNS topic 'ODCRAlarmTopic' already exists with ARN: arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:XXXXXXXXXXXX:ODCRAlarmTopic.

2024-10-17 19:56:14,810  __main__  INFO: Please ensure you have subscribed to the SNS Topic arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:XXXXXXXXXXXX:ODCRAlarmTopic.

2024-10-17 19:56:15,287  __main__  INFO: Successfully created CloudWatch Alarm for the InstanceUtilization with Tenancy dimension in the us-east-1 region.

You can also validate in the CloudWatch console. Choose All alarms and search for ODCRAlarm-InstanceUtilization-Tenancy-default.

 Example Tenancy Dimension Alarm Setup validation using CloudWatch console

Figure 6: Example Tenancy Dimension Alarm Setup validation using CloudWatch console

Other options

As of this post’s publication, there is no native support to create a CloudWatch alarm on two dimensions. However, you can create a custom CloudWatch metric and create an alarm on that metric.

Cleaning up

If you used the ODCR workshop to create Capacity Reservations in your account, then follow the Clean-up step of the workshop to delete the Capacity Reservations and EC2 instances to stop incurring any charges. If you created any other EC2 instances or Capacity Reservations for this post, terminate those EC2 instances and cancel those Capacity Reservations.

To delete the alarms you created in this post, follow these steps given in the CloudWatch documentation.


In this post, we explored how to use the new Amazon CloudWatch dimensions for Amazon EC2 ODCR to efficiently monitor and maintain constant Capacity Reservations and achieve a higher level of usage, thereby saving costs associated with unused capacity. By automating the creation of CloudWatch alarms for Capacity Reservation usage metrics, specifically InstanceUtilization, you can gain more granular insights into your reserved capacity. This includes grouping metrics by Instance Type, Availability Zone, Platform, Instance Match Criteria, Tenancy, or across the Capacity Reservations in a Region.

We also used an Amazon SNS topic to receive near-real time alerts when thresholds are breached. These tools enable you to effectively monitor and optimize your ODCR usage, making sure that you maintain efficient and cost-effective capacity management during critical events.

For more details, refer to the updated Capacity Reservations documentation. If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to share them in the comments section or contact AWS Support.

Author Bios

Ballu Singh

Ballu Singh

Ballu Singh is a Principal Solutions Architect at AWS. He lives in the San Francisco Bay area and helps users architect and optimize applications on AWS. In his spare time, he enjoys reading and spending time with his family.

Ankush Goyal

Ankush Goyal

Ankush is an Enterprise Support Lead in AWS Enterprise Support who helps Enterprise Support users streamline their cloud operations on AWS. He enjoys working with users to help them design, implement, and support cloud infrastructure. He is a results-driven IT professional with over 20 years of experience.

Hasan Tariq

Hasan Tariq

Hasan Tariq is a Principal Solutions Architect with AWS. He helps Financial Services users accelerate their adoption of the AWS Cloud by providing architectural guidelines to design innovative and scalable solutions.

Ninad Joshi

Ninad Joshi

Ninad Joshi is a Senior Solutions Architect at AWS, helping global AWS users design secure, scalable, and cost-effective solutions in cloud to solve their complex real-world business challenges. Ninad specializes in AI/ML and Generative AI. Prior to joining AWS, Ninad worked as a software developer for 13+ years. Outside of his professional endeavors, Ninad enjoys playing chess and exploring different gambits.

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