Build exciting career opportunities with new Azure skilling options

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Microsoft Build is much than conscionable a tech conference—it’s a solemnisation of innovation, a catalyst for growth, and a gateway to unlocking your nonrecreational imaginable done skilling opportunities connected Microsoft Learn. In this blog, we’ll look backmost astatine immoderate of the astir breathtaking Microsoft Azure tools that were featured astatine Build 2024 and enactment you connected the way to attain proficiency.  

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Start your skilling travel contiguous connected Microsoft Learn

Build intelligent apps with AI and cloud-native technologies

Jump to a section:

Unleash the powerfulness of AI by mastering intelligent app development 

Empower your developers to execute unprecedented productivity 

Accelerate your unreality travel with seamless Azure migration 

Master cloud-scale information investigation for almighty concern insights 

Unlock maximum unreality ratio and savings with Azure 

Unleash the powerfulness of AI by mastering intelligent app development 

Azure provides a broad ecosystem of services, tools, and infrastructure tailored for the full AI lifecycle. At Build we highlighted however your squad tin efficiently develop, scale, and optimize intelligent solutions that usage cutting-edge technologies. 

This twelvemonth astatine Build, Microsoft announced the wide availability for developers to physique and customize models successful Microsoft Azure AI Studio. We precocious dropped an Azure Enablement Show occurrence that guides viewers done gathering their ain Copilot utilizing Studio. Watch a objection of however to usage punctual travel to make a customized Copilot, however to chat with the AI model, and past deploy it arsenic an endpoint. 

Another episode focuses connected caller Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB developer guides for Node.js and Python, arsenic good arsenic a learning way for gathering AI chatbots utilizing Azure Cosmos DB and Microsoft Azure Open AI. You’ll larn however to acceptable up, migrate, manage, and utilize V Core-based Azure Cosmos DB for MongoDB to make generative AI apps, culminating successful a unrecorded demo of an AI chatbot. 

If that Azure Enablement Show occurrence piques your involvement to larn much astir Azure Cosmos DB, cheque retired the Microsoft Developers AI Learning Hackathon, wherever you’ll further research the satellite of AI and however to physique innovative apps using Azure Cosmos DB, positive get the accidental to triumph prizes! To assistance you hole for the hackathon, we person a two-part series to usher you done gathering AI apps with Azure Cosmos DB, which includes deep-dives into AI fundamentals, Azure Open AI API, vector search, and more.  

You tin besides reappraisal our authoritative postulation of Azure Cosmos DB learning resources, which includes lessons, method documentation, and notation illustration codes.  

Looking for a much structured acquisition plan? Our recently launched Plans connected Microsoft Learn present provides guided learning for apical Azure tools and solutions, including Azure Cosmos DB. Think of it arsenic a structured roadmap for you oregon your squad to get caller skills, offering focused content, wide milestones, and enactment to velocity up the learning process. Watch for much authoritative Plans connected Microsoft Learn implicit the coming months! 

There’s adjacent much to larn astir gathering intelligent AI apps with different breathtaking Azure tools, with 2 authoritative collections connected Azure Kubernetes Service—Build Intelligent Apps with AI and cloud-native technologies and Taking Azure Kubernetes Service retired of the Cloud and into your World—and Build AI Apps with Azure Database for PostgreSQL.  

Empower your developers to execute improved productivity 

Accelerating developer productivity isn’t conscionable astir coding faster; it’s astir unlocking innovation, reducing costs, and delivering high-quality bundle that drives concern growth. Azure developer tools and services empowers you to streamline processes, automate workflows, and usage precocious technologies similar AI and instrumentality learning. 

Join different amusive occurrence of the Azure Enablement Show to observe Microsoft’s skilling resources and tools to assistance marque Python coding much efficient. Learn however to physique intelligent apps with Azure’s cloud, AI, and information capabilities and travel on with hands-on modules covering Python web app deployment and instrumentality learning exemplary gathering connected Azure. 

We besides person 3 authoritative collections of learning resources that tackle antithetic aspects of developer productivity:  

  • Microsoft Developer Tools @ Build 2024: With cutting-edge developer tools and insights, we’ll amusement you however to make the adjacent procreation of modern, intelligent apps. Learn however you tin build, test, and deploy apps from the unreality with Microsoft Dev Box, Microsoft Visual Studio, and however Microsoft Azure Load Testing and Microsoft Playwright Testing make it casual to trial modern apps.  
  • Accelerate Developer Productivity with GitHub and Azure for Developers: Continue unlocking the afloat coding imaginable successful the unreality with GitHub Copilot. Through a bid of videos, articles, and activities, you’ll spot however GitHub Copilot tin assistance you and velocity up your productivity crossed a assortment of programming languages and projects.  
  • Secure Developer Platforms with GitHub and Azure: Learn however to elevate your codification information with GitHub Advanced Security, an add-on to GitHub Enterprise. Safeguard your backstage repositories astatine each improvement signifier with precocious features similar concealed scanning, codification scanning, and dependency management. 

Accelerate your unreality travel with seamless Azure migration

Migrating to Azure empowers organizations to unlock a satellite of opportunities. At Build we demonstrated how, by utilizing the robust and scalable Azure unreality platform, businesses tin modernize their bequest systems, heighten information and compliance, and integrate with AI.  

Looking to get much hands-on with Azure migration tools? Check retired our lineup of Microsoft Azure Virtual Training Days. These free, two-day, four-hour sessions are packed with applicable cognition and hands-on exercises for in-demand skills.  

  • Data Fundamentals: In this foundational-level course, you’ll larn halfway information concepts and skills successful Azure unreality information services. Find retired the quality betwixt relational and non-relational databases, research Azure offerings similar Azure Cosmos DB, Microsoft Azure Storage, and summation insights into large-scale analytics solutions specified arsenic Microsoft Azure Synapse Analytics and Microsoft Azure Databricks.  
  • Migrate and Secure Windows Server and SQL Server Workloads: This broad look astatine migrating and securing on-premises Windows Server and SQL Server workloads to Azure offers insights into assessing workloads, selecting due migration options, and utilizing Azure flexibility, scalability, and cost-saving features.  

Microsoft Azure SQL is an intelligent, scalable, and unafraid unreality database work that simplifies your operations and unlocks invaluable insights for your business. The curated learning paths successful our authoritative Azure SQL postulation volition alteration you to absorption connected the domain-specific database medication and optimization activities that are captious for your business. 

For an adjacent much structured learning experience, there’s our authoritative Plans connected Microsoft Learn offering, Migrate and Modernize with Azure Cloud-Scale Database to Enable AI.  Designed to equip you with the expertise needed to harness the afloat imaginable of Azure SQL, Microsoft Azure Database for MySQL, Microsoft Azure Database for PostgreSQL, and Microsoft SQL Server enabled by Microsoft Azure Arc for hybrid and multi-cloud environments, this program volition immerse you successful the latest capabilities and champion practices.  

Master cloud-scale information investigation for insightful determination making 

Cloud-scale analytics assistance businesses summation invaluable insights and marque data-driven decisions astatine an unprecedented speed. Our unified analytics platform, Microsoft Fabric, simplifies information integration, enables seamless collaboration, and democratizes entree to AI-powered insights, each wrong a single, integrated environment. 

Looking to instrumentality the Fabric Analytics Engineer Associate certification exam? Get acceptable with Microsoft Fabric Learn Together, a bid of live, expert-led sessions designed to assistance you physique proficiency successful tools specified arsenic Apache Spark and Data Factory and recognize concepts from medallion architecture plan to lakehouses.   

There’s inactive clip to registry for our Virtual Training Day session, Implementing a Data Lakehouse with Microsoft Fabric, which aims to proviso information pros with method acquisition however to unify information analytics utilizing AI and extract captious insights. Key objectives see identifying Fabric halfway workloads to present insights faster and mounting up a information lakehouse instauration for ingestion, transformation, modeling, and visualization.  

And of course, don’t miss retired connected our authoritative postulation of learning resources for Microsoft Fabric and Azure Databricks, featuring modules connected implementing a Data Lakehouse and utilizing Copilot successful Fabric, and workshops connected gathering retrieval augmented procreation (RAG) Applications and Azure Cosmos DB for MongoDB vCore. For a much curated experience, our Plans connected Microsoft Learn collection volition get started connected however to ingest information with shortcuts, pipelines, oregon dataflows, however to alteration information with dataflows, procedures, and notebooks, and however to store information successful the Lakehouse and Data Warehouse.  

Unlock maximum unreality ratio and savings with Azure 

Promoting resiliency connected Azure is simply a strategical attack to managing your unreality resources efficiently, ensuring optimal show portion minimizing costs. By right-sizing virtual machines (VMs), utilizing reserved instances oregon savings plans, and taking vantage of automation tools similar Microsoft Azure Advisor, you tin maximize the worth of your Azure investment. 

On different amusive occurrence of our Azure Enablement Show, we research the Learn Live resources disposable to assistance you optimize your unreality adoption journey. Confident unreality operations necessitate an knowing of however to negociate outgo efficiency, reliability, security, and sustainability. Whether you’re an IT pro oregon conscionable investigating the waters, this two-part occurrence volition constituent you to the learning resources you need.  

There’s ever much to research astatine Microsoft Learn 

Like each year, Microsoft Build delivered breathtaking caller products and advancements successful Azure technology. Don’t get near behind! Start your skilling travel contiguous astatine Microsoft Learn.  

The station Build breathtaking vocation opportunities with caller Azure skilling options appeared archetypal connected Microsoft Azure Blog.

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